Enola gay crew suicide

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Theodore VanKirk, also known as 'Dutch,' died Monday of natural causes at the retirement home where he lived in Stone Mountain, Georgia, his son Tom VanKirk said. (AP Photo/The Macon Telegraph, Beau Cabell, File) He was the last surviving member of the Enola Gay crew. Tom VanKirk says his 93-year-old father died at the retirement home where he lived in Georgia on Monday, July 28, 2014. The navigator for the Enola Gay spoke about his experience guiding the aircraft that dropped the first atomic bomb. In this file photo, Theodore 'Dutch'' VanKirk visits a veteran's group at the Golden Corral in Macon, Ga. ATLANTA - The last surviving member of the crew that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima has died in Georgia.

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